If you are suffering from bad breath, also called halitosis, it can have a stigmatising impact on your social life. It can become a big issue, hampering your progress and day-to-day activities. The only remedy is to treat halitosis in time by consulting a good dentist.
Oral microflora comprises innumerable bacteria. These bacteria generate waste known as volatile sulphur compounds. These are the leading cause of bad breath. Apart from this, such compounds could lead to inflammation.
Because of the inflammation, there could be damage to the gum tissues that support the teeth. This phenomenon creates a cyclic effect because the pockets trap the bacteria. These generate waste products responsible for bad breath
Food is trapped because of the above, which can cause bad breath.
Bad breath can be treated by oral prophylaxis done by a dental surgeon. Oral prophylaxis is a routine dental procedure to keep your teeth and gingiva clean and healthy. If you are suffering from a bad breath problem, visit us at The Smile Centre implant and dental clinic and get rid of the embarrassments in public.
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