Problems with your jaw and the muscles in your face that control it are known as temporomandibular disorders (TMD).
There is no single cause of TMD, as it is caused by a combination of factors
Treatment of TMD is liberating.
Treating TMD early is important for overall well being. It can be distracting to have chronic pain…all the time.
The first step in treatment is reviewing a patient
TMJ symptoms is simply getting detailed history. We will ask you lot of questions related with present problem, your lifestyle, work environment, prior trauma, personality type, dental history and medical history. This discussion helps us to know any additional factors which could be linked to exacerbating your symptoms.
The second step is physical examination.
A comprehensive exam of the head and neck , which includes muscles, joint mobility, how the teeth come together, the position of the top and bottom jaw relative to one another, and contributing factors like headaches, migraine, acidity, sleep disorder or ear pain.
Many other conditions cause similar symptoms -- like tooth decay, sinus problems, arthritis, or gum disease, which are ruled out in history and physical examination.
We may take full x-ray (OPG) to view your jaws, temporomandibular joints, and teeth to rule out other problems. We may suggest MRI to check the proper position of disc only in case of advanced TMD.
After examination a customized treatment plan is created, which depends upon how much disharmony in TMJ, how long have the symptoms been left untreated, etiological factors, severity of the symptoms.
There is no permanent cure for TMD’s. TMD is like diabetes and hypertension. We can control it's symptoms, but can’t cure completely.
You may need to follow instruction for the rest of your life.
Due to so many causes of TMD’s, no single therapy has been proved to be totally effective. Thus, based on your symptoms, contributing factors and scans, an individualized treatment approach will be recommended to you. However, the original treatment plan may need to be revised on the bases of your symptoms response.
The key to success is being patient and believing in the therapy.
Treatment can often take extended periods of time and recovery is subjective to one’s healing ability and mental make-up.
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